When teachers are grounded in the WHY behind the day-to-day intentional instructional decisions that are made, student learning blossoms.
When teachers are grounded in the WHY behind the day-to-day intentional instructional decisions that are made, student learning blossoms.
Parent Mitchell Coats commented on Facebook, “My daughter views each journey and passage as a fun challenge and loves to beat Buckleboot as it sparks her competitive nature. She has also really enjoyed being able to customize her character.”
Laurie Carmon is currently manager of new business development for Voyager Sopris Learning and has more than 25 years of experience supporting educators across the United States to successfully implement K–12 literacy and math intervention tools.
Andrea Samadi and David Adams explore the intersection of equity and SEL in the webinar A Culturally Responsive Approach to Social and Emotional Learning, with examples of how to directly develop and practice culturally responsive SEL during instruction in class, after school, in sports, and into the community.
You all know about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, right? Do you know what this hierarchy was originally called? It was a new learning for me while listening to the recent webinar by Drs. Jessica and John Hannigan, SEL from a Distance: Building a Framework of Processes into your School/District to Guarantee Student Success.
Students need to understand the relationship between their emotions and behaviors and acquire the SEL tools needed to access their learning and life. This should without a doubt be a top priority and integrated in the fabric of any school in any setting.
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