Everyday English Plus is a complete English language development curriculum tailored for newcomers and students with limited English proficiency to increase oral language. Perfect for building foundational language skills and enhancing overall comprehension, Everyday English Plus focuses on real-life scenarios within nine engaging themed units of study where students explore familiar settings like school, home, neighborhood, and more. Lessons are teacher-directed with explicit instruction where learners are immersed in practical language concepts bridging social and academic language to solidify communication.
As students master the basic, everyday language needed to communicate with their peers and teachers, they are motivated to move into more advanced content and become confident, independent learners.
Program features include:
Cross-curricular content taught through the use of nine everyday scenarios
Multisensory approach to learning English with embedded assessments to measure student growth and understanding
Explicit, teacher-led instruction and daily instruction about reading and writing English
Best-practice scenarios based on research principles of English language learners
Valuable, daily practice in speaking with each other in a class setting