Voyager Sopris Learning EDVIEW360 Blog Series
Recent Blog Posts
Jon Hummell
Jon Hummell
Director of State Initiatives, Lexia Learning
The Future of CARES Act Funds: What You Need to Know
June 3, 2021

Here we are at the end of a school year unlike any other. And as you probably already know, Congress has allocated an unprecedented amount of federal education funding to help school districts overcome the unique challenges associated with the pandemic.

  • Passport
Pam Austin
Pam Austin
Professional Learning Facilitator Manager, Voyager Sopris Learning
Summer Reading Loss: Building Family Literacy to Help Students Stay Strong Over the Summer
May 27, 2021

Spring leads to summer, and summer usually leads to a change of routine that shifts how students interact with words, text, and all forms of literacy. Known as summer reading loss, this phenomenon affects many students—especially those who are already performing below grade-level expectations.

  • Literacy
  • Reading Rangers
Dr. Louisa Moats
Author of LANGUAGE! Live®
Speech to Print or Print to Speech? It Makes a Difference
May 20, 2021

Written words represent speech and language. This fundamental truth explains why reading and spelling skill depend on language abilities; why explicit teaching of sounds, words, and discourse is the most effective way to ensure that all students learn to read and write; and why we have been persistent advocates for teachers’ knowledge of language—which is the focus of Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS®).

Dr. Carol Tolman
National/International Literacy Consultant
Meet Them Where They Are
May 13, 2021

Truth be told, I am not a big science fiction fan, although I can appreciate those who enjoy the genre. Give me an autobiography or a research article and I’ll curl up, contented, in my airplane seat as I fly to my next Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS®) presentation—except, of course, that wasn’t possible this past year.

  • Literacy
Julie Klingerman
Dr. Julie Klingerman
National LETRS Trainer
Educational Leadership: Superheroes at the Axis of Transformation, Part 2
May 6, 2021

Although much is now known about the reading brain and what can (and should) be done to help all students reach their potential as readers and writers, the chasm between research and practice remains wide.

  • Passport
  • Reading Rangers
Julie Klingerman
Dr. Julie Klingerman
National LETRS Trainer
Educational Leadership: Superheroes at the Axis of Transformation, Part 1
April 29, 2021

Complete transparency: I do not have an administration certification in an official capacity. However, I do possess a unique perspective on the power and influence of those in educational leadership.