Voyager Sopris Learning EDVIEW360 Blog Series
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Antavia Hamilton-Ochs
Ladies and Gentlemen … Calling Students to Distinction
February 3, 2016

How One Teacher is Working Her Magic to Help Struggling Students Reclaim Their Education, Part 2 of 2

  • Education Technology
  • Literacy
  • Parental Involvement
  • Positive School Climate
  • Reading Intervention
  • Struggling Students
Dr. Louisa Moats
Author of LANGUAGE! Live®
How Teacher Talk Affects Student Vocabulary Growth
January 6, 2016

Rather than focusing on text reading this month, let’s turn our attention to one of the critical components of language necessary for comprehension: vocabulary.

  • Dyslexia
  • Education Technology
  • Literacy
  • Reading Intervention
  • Struggling Readers
  • Struggling Students
Dr. Jan Hasbrouck
Dr. Jan Hasbrouck
A leading researcher, educational consultant, and author who works with schools in the U.S. and internationally
Oral Reading Fluency is NOT a Measure of Reading Fluency
March 26, 2014

“What the what?” as Liz Lemon of TV’s 30 Rock might say. Oral reading FLUENCY doesn’t measure reading FLUENCY? How can that be? Well, the answer is … it’s complicated. To fully explain, we should probably begin by revisiting what the Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) measure really is. We have to begin back in the early 1980s, when a team of researchers and doctoral students at the University of Minnesota began to explore the idea that simple measures of academic performance could potentially serve as indicators of the academic competence of a student at a particular point in time—and then, perhaps, also be used to monitor the trajectory of skill development over a period of time (Jenkins & Fuchs, 2012).