Text features are parts of written text that provide information about content without being a part of the main text. Read on to learn how to teach text features.

Text features are parts of written text that provide information about content without being a part of the main text. Read on to learn how to teach text features.
Educators who closely follow the science of reading or those who are trained in LETRS® will recognize Scarborough’s Reading Rope*, a visual representation of the different elements of the learning-to-read process for children.
How To Choose a Reading Program for Kindergarten Students | Voyager Sopris Learning
A recent National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) survey completed in August found more than half of public school principals reported staff shortages as students returned to school this fall.
Here are different strategies to help support students who struggle with reading comprehension
Dialogic reading has been shown to boost students' vocabulary, comprehension, critical thinking, and oral language skills.
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