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Sound PartnersBuild Early Reading Skills With Explicit Instruction

Grades K–3

What is Sound Partners?

Sound Partners is a research-based, supplementary tutoring program designed to enhance early reading skills. With individualized instruction, Sound Partners emphasizes phonemic and alphabetic skills, phonemic decoding skills, and assisted oral reading practice with decodable texts. Sound Partners benefits students learning to read in grades K–1 and provides intervention for students in grades 2–3.

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Sound Partners - Books

NEW Edition!


The new edition of Sound Partners is here, incorporating the most recent research to build early reading skills. Separate student and teacher books and a redesigned layout support easier tutor delivery and enhanced student engagement in the learning activities. Explore this tutoring solution that targets foundational reading skills – a program with strong research support that helps students develop accuracy and fluency in essential foundational reading skills. 

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Research-Based and Validated


Sound Partners meets the criteria for the Evidence for ESSA “Strong” category for “Solid Outcomes.*” Follow-up studies found the positive effects were maintained two years later in word reading and comprehension. Numerous independent reviews of the program’s research have also confirmed its efficacy.

*Vadasy, P. F., & Sanders, E. A. (2011). Efficacy of Supplemental Phonics-Based Instruction for Low-Skilled First Graders: How Language Minority Status and Pretest Characteristics Moderate Treatment Response. Scientific Studies of Reading, 15(6), 471–497. 

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Elementary school student reading on teachers lap

Explicit Scope and Sequence

Whether you need supplemental instruction in K–1 or effective intervention in grades 2–3, Sound Partners includes an explicit scope and sequence that:

Open Book Graphic
Lessons include applying word reading skills in storybook reading practice.
Kindergarten instruction emphasizes alphabetic and phonemic skills with applications to blending and segmenting. 

First grade instruction extends from alphabetics, phoneme blending and segmenting, through reading more complex words

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Lesson activities include tutor modeling and student practice opportunities 

Student finding success
Improves alphabetic, phonemic awareness, decoding, word identification, and spelling skills

Tailored Tutoring

Sound Partners accelerates students’ to grade-level reading by enabling schools to provide:

  • Individual support for students needing more intensive instruction and practice to learn alphabetic and decoding skills.
  • Lessons designed specifically for tutors, paraprofessionals, and assistants with detailed guidance about how to deliver the lessons.
  • Science of reading-based strategies.
  • Individual instruction, 4 or 5 days per week for 30 minutes.
  • Tutor modeling and scaffolding instruction for students who need more explicit instruction and practice opportunities. 

How Can Sound Partners Be Used?

Sound Partners can be used alongside:

  • Tutoring programs
  • Intervention programs
  • Before or after school programs
  • Extended learning programs
  • Summer school or intersession programs
Teacher and student at desk
Sound Partners - FirstGrade - Set

* Images courtesy of Bob Books Publications, LLC.

What You Get With Sound Partners:

  • Tutor Lesson Book
  • Student Lesson Book(s)
  • Tutoring and Implementation Manual
  • Decodable Books (Bob Books)
  • Sound Cards (in the Tutor Lesson Book)