Authored by Literacy Expert Dr. Louisa Moats
LANGUAGE! Live California offers more for struggling readers than any other product. Proven foundational and advanced reading intervention. Peer-to-peer instruction. Literacy brain science. A captivating modern, digital platform for grades 4–12. All in one affordable solution. More is possible.
Louisa C. Moats, Ed.D., is a nationally recognized authority on literacy education and is widely acclaimed as a researcher, speaker, consultant, and trainer. Dr. Moats received her doctorate in reading and human development from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and is widely published on reading instruction, the professional development of teachers, and the relationship between language, reading, and spelling. Dr. Moats also served as Vice President of the International Dyslexia Association.
Meet Louisa MoatsDon’t take our word for it. Hear from satisfied customers about how LANGUAGE! Live has made an impact in their districts, schools, and classrooms.
“It’s building that confidence for them, where at 16, they kind of felt like a failure, ‘I can’t do it; I can’t go to high school. Now, they have the success that they can do it; they know they can do it now.”
— Jennifer McMillan, Master Reading Teacher, Burke Middle High School, Charleston, SC
“Everybody is working in a much smaller student-to-teacher ratio, and people are getting a lot more individual instruction.”
— Antavia Hamilton-Ochs, Teacher, Bartlett High School, Anchorage, AK
“If you can move these kids, so when they go to high school they don’t feel so far gone, you have literally changed the trajectory of their lives.”
— Rhonda Zajac, Director of English Language Arts, Syracuse City School District
With LANGUAGE! Live California, a good implementation equals good results. Students exceed typical gains and close the gap faster than with any other literacy product. For example, with a 45-minute implementation, it is common for teachers to facilitate classrooms in which students have completed 6 to 7 units in Word Training and Text Training. Research show that a well-balanced program leads to great results.*
*Annual growth based on Scammacca, N. K., Fall, A., & Roberts, G. (2015). Benchmarks for expected annual academic growth for students in the bottom quartile of the normative distribution. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 8, 366–379
LANGUAGE! Live California responds to and embodies research about adolescent poor readers, effective instruction, and the most advantageous use of computer-assisted learning. Read the LANGUAGE! Live Research Foundation to learn how we help adolescent students keep up with the accelerating demands of the global knowledge economy.
“With LANGUAGE! Live California, there is no need to supplement or pull in alternative curriculum to make sure all areas are being taught. This program has it all done for you. ... LANGUAGE! Live California is a full, comprehensive curriculum that empowers students to access learning from sound to text with confidence from beginning to end.”
Take the Tour Today
See how LANGUAGE! Live California is a comprehensive blended learning solution for struggling readers that inspires a new level of confidence and drive to help students become proficient readers.LANGUAGE! Live California applies the Structured Literacy approach recommended by the IDA and provides explicit, systematic, and cumulative foundational reading skill instruction for dyslexia intervention.
Learn how Everyday English Plus complements LANGUAGE! Live to meet their needs.
We are committed to a long-term partnership with every district that implements our solutions. Each implementation support plan is individually crafted with school and/or district administrators to meet specific needs, including making explicit connections to state standards and/or the CCSS. Districts can choose from a menu of training and support options including in-person, online, or a combination of both.