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The Human Attributes of Teaching, According to Dr. Anita Archer

The Reading, Writing, and Math Intervention Specialist
Updated on
Modified on June 2, 2023


For many teachers of reading—and for the administrators who support those teachers—Dr. Anita Archer is a household name. Respected, relied upon, and widely listened to, Dr. Archer has researched, taught, consulted, and motivated for decades. Literacy teaching is who she is, however, she is also known for her ever-present encouragement of teachers far and wide. She is known to help a new teacher with advice and build up frustrated educators as they strive to do what’s best for their students.

Throughout her career, Dr. Archer has shared and discussed the research and proven methods of teaching and learning reading. Yet, as she often says, there is so much more to teaching reading—and being a great teacher of reading—than technique and science. Yes, good teachers must know the content and effective instructional practices. But what are the underlying essential characteristics of a good teacher? How do seasoned teachers help newer professionals stay encouraged and motivated to enter and remain in the field? 

Next week, we have the honor of hosting Dr. Archer as she talks about what makes a truly great teacher. Aptly timed for Valentine’s Day, Dr. Archer will share the characteristics of great teachers she has known, and what makes them great; how they’ve lifted the spirits and careers of others, and ways she recommends of supporting one another inside the classroom and beyond. 

We hope you’ll join this webinar, where you’ll hear firsthand from Dr. Anita Archer as she shares “the important stuff” from her 56 years in literacy education—the human heart characteristics that set so many teachers above the rest. There will be plenty of time for questions from the audience, so secure your spot now!