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Removing Barriers and Paving the Way: The School Leader's Role in Using the Science of Reading to Improve Outcomes for All Students

Creator of The Reading Science Academy and assistant professor in the reading science program at Mount St. Joseph University
Updated on
Modified on June 23, 2023
  • MTSS

School leaders hold the keys to unlocking literacy for young learners. However, like other educators, many school principals don't have deep knowledge of how the brain learns to read, effective instructional practices in the essential early literacy skills, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), and identifying and serving students with reading disabilities. Principals not only need knowledge in these areas, but they also need to know how to implement the processes and structures that pave the way for improved reading outcomes.


School leaders make the hard decisions about selecting and implementing reliable and efficient assessments for screening, diagnostic assessment, and progress monitoring. This is one of the critical first steps because it reveals student performance on the essential early literacy skills (phonemic awareness, phonics, reading fluency, and reading comprehension) which distinguish children who are on track from children who are likely to need more support.

Data-Based Decision-Making

School leaders ensure the use of data in a collaborative problem-solving process that directly impacts decisions at the building, grade, and student levels. A systemic approach to using data to efficiently match student needs to instructional systems is the defining feature of MTSS.

Professional Development

School leaders must prioritize their own professional learning and the learning of others. Knowledge of how proficient reading and writing develop; why some have difficulty; and how we can most effectively assess and teach reading and writing allows schools to improve student outcomes through prevention of and intervention for reading difficulties. 


School leaders have the authority to prioritize time for classroom reading instruction and the extra dose of intervention needed by struggling readers. When student data drive the daily schedule, principals can identify and remove potential barriers related to grouping practices, instructional materials, and staff allocation.

We Can Do This!

School leaders…reading failure can be prevented! Last week, my colleague, Sharon Dunn, and I presented a webinar Bringing the Science of Reading to Light Using MTSS: One School's Story and you can watch at your convenience here.

About the Author
Dr. Stephanie Stollar
Dr. Stephanie Stollar
Creator of The Reading Science Academy and assistant professor in the reading science program at Mount St. Joseph University

Dr. Stephanie Stollar is founder of Stephanie Stollar Consulting LLC and the creator of The Reading Science Academy. Dr. Stollar is a part-time assistant professor in the online reading science program at Mount St. Joseph University, and a founding member of a national alliance for supporting reading science in higher education. As a board member for the Innovations in Education Consortium, she collaboratively plans the annual MTSS Innovations in Education Conference. Dr. Stollar has worked as a school psychologist, an educational consultant, and as vice president for professional learning for Acadience® Learning Inc. She has provided professional development, conducted research and published in the areas of assessment, early intervention, and collaborative problem-solving. She is passionate about aligning practice to research and designing school systems to prevent reading failure.

Learn more about Dr. Stephanie Stollar