Webinar Series

The Path to Comprehension: The Connection Between Vocabulary and Background Knowledge

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Background knowledge and vocabulary are essential components of good comprehension instruction. With some knowledge of a topic, students are set for comprehension success.

Join us for this applicable and instructive presentation as third-grade teacher Hannah Irion-Frake shares research-based strategies, activities, and personal experience from her own classroom to illustrate ways to include background knowledge and vocabulary in classroom instruction.

Attendees will learn:

  • Research that supports the connection of vocabulary and background knowledge to comprehension
  • Classroom strategies and activities to help your students build background knowledge
  • Classroom routines and best practices for vocabulary instruction


Hannah Irion-Frake
Hannah Irion-Frake
Literacy Coach

Hannah Irion-Frake is a literacy coach in Central Pennsylvania with more than 16 years of classroom experience. She has degrees in elementary education, reading, and curriculum & instruction. Irion-Frake is also a local LETRS facilitator. She is a self-proclaimed literacy nerd. She shares passionately about reading at readingwithmrsif.com and on Instagram @readingwithmrsif.


Learn more about Hannah Irion-Frake


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