Universal screening is an essential element of schoolwide literacy models for implementing the science of reading and aligning it to curriculum. Screening with Acadience® Reading K–6 efficiently indicates skill level on the essential early literacy skills—phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and reading comprehension. Giving the assessment is only the first step. Educators need to know how to interpret the data and link assessment to curriculum and instruction that improve reading performance.
In this useful session, participants will see examples of the common patterns of risk captured by Acadience Reading K–6 as displayed in the Acadience® Learning Online platform. Our presenters will share how the assessment results can lead to targeted lessons within the Voyager Passport® program. Examples of specific lessons will illustrate the instruction needed by students with each risk pattern.
Attendees will learn:
Dr. Stephanie Stollar is founder of Stephanie Stollar Consulting LLC and the creator of The Reading Science Academy. Dr. Stollar is a part-time assistant professor in the online reading science program at Mount St. Joseph University, and a founding member of a national alliance for supporting reading science in higher education. As a board member for the Innovations in Education Consortium, she collaboratively plans the annual MTSS Innovations in Education Conference. Dr. Stollar has worked as a school psychologist, an educational consultant, and as vice president for professional learning for Acadience® Learning Inc. She has provided professional development, conducted research and published in the areas of assessment, early intervention, and collaborative problem-solving. She is passionate about aligning practice to research and designing school systems to prevent reading failure.
Hannah Irion-Frake is a literacy coach in Central Pennsylvania with more than 16 years of classroom experience. She has degrees in elementary education, reading, and curriculum & instruction. Irion-Frake is also a local LETRS facilitator. She is a self-proclaimed literacy nerd. She shares passionately about reading at readingwithmrsif.com and on Instagram @readingwithmrsif.
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