Voyager Sopris Learning EDVIEW360 Blog Series
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Evidence-Aligned Reading Instruction: Transforming Your School or District

The Reading, Writing, and Math Intervention Specialist
Updated on
Modified on May 16, 2024
  • Reading Instruction

A conversation with The Reading League’s Dr. Heidi Beverine-Curry

Although science of reading research dates back 50 years, there are still educators, publishers, legislators, and state policy experts who don’t understand the importance of aligning reading instruction with evidence-based research.

In 2021, The Reading League created a coalition of educators, policymakers, and literacy experts to reach a common definition of the science of reading. The research demonstrates there is significant evidence about how to develop proficient readers and writers. The Reading League’s tireless efforts to align literacy instruction to the evidence has created a sweeping movement to transform literacy instruction nationwide.

Through a partnership with schools and districts, The Reading League developed best practices that impact students’ literacy outcomes. The stakeholders learned not just how to improve literacy outcomes but how to transform them.

Heidi Beverine-Curry

Our EDVIEW360 podcast with Dr. Heidi Beverine-Curry, chief academic officer of The Reading League and one of its cofounders, will share some of these transformational practices when single schools or districts successfully implement literacy instruction based on the science of reading. Watch Voyager Sopris Learning’s social media platforms and your email for the podcast publication date, coming next week. 

Dr. Beverine-Curry says it’s not enough to simply incorporate evidence-based reading practices. “To actually move the needle for kids, deep learning, fearless leadership, clear action, and stamina are essential,” she says. During the podcast, she will share what The Reading League educators learned about what it takes to transform reading outcomes in a school or district and some common pitfalls to watch for along the way.

Most schools experience obstacles transitioning to a science of reading-based curriculum. It takes a dedicated team to make it happen and this inspiring podcast will show you what’s possible from real-life school examples.

We hope you’ll join us for the upcoming EDVIEW360 podcast with Dr. Beverine-Curry  as she discusses how a single school or entire district can transition successfully to teaching reading based on science and dramatically improve reading proficiency.

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