Jane Fell Greene

Dr. Jane Fell Greene

Author of the fourth edition of LANGUAGE!

Dr. Jane Fell Greene, an esteemed author and educator, is the author of the fourth edition of LANGUAGE!. With a rich background in language arts and a passionate commitment to improving literacy, Dr. Greene has dedicated her career to developing educational materials that address the diverse needs of learners. Her innovative approach and practical solutions have not only enhanced the learning experiences of countless students but also provided invaluable resources for educators striving to make a difference.

Not only does LANGUAGE! have more than 30+ years of positive results, it earned a perfect score from the Florida Center for Reading Research, has been endorsed by CASE (the Council of Administrators of Special Education), and is referenced six times in the book Overcoming Dyslexia by Dr. Sally Shaywitz.

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Jane Fell Greene

Dr. Jane Fell Greene

Author of the fourth edition of LANGUAGE!

Dr. Jane Fell Greene, an esteemed author and educator, is the author of the fourth edition of LANGUAGE!. With a rich background in language arts and a passionate commitment to improving literacy, Dr. Greene has dedicated her career to developing educational materials that address the diverse needs of learners. Her innovative approach and practical solutions have not only enhanced the learning experiences of countless students but also provided invaluable resources for educators striving to make a difference.

Not only does LANGUAGE! have more than 30+ years of positive results, it earned a perfect score from the Florida Center for Reading Research, has been endorsed by CASE (the Council of Administrators of Special Education), and is referenced six times in the book Overcoming Dyslexia by Dr. Sally Shaywitz.

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